Honoring Our Moments of Together

I’ve always worked to “have it together”. In this, I know without question, I am not alone. We hear the words in various forms, “get it together”, “pull it together”, and “I’ve got to get it together”. We judge ourselves and sometimes, are genuinely judged by others. Recently, I was working with a male client who, from what I would


She had been having concerns with various relationships for the previous few weeks. Of course, this was the middle of October and all of the energies were pushing us into relationship conundrums; some deepening, some re-evolving, and some ending. Because of this, it was no surprise that like for many of us, relationship energies were in the maximum “play” capacity.

Playing in the Exchange

I’m driving down the road towards the farm of my future playing in the energies of the new moon coming straight off of Yesterday’s eclipse. My dreamer mind is having the time of its life! As I move into a space of a bit of discomfort, I am playing with my dreams, and my ego mine steps in with this

The Self We See

This is not my typical meandering. It’s not a perspective based on a specific story, it’s a notice from Spirit that I have been delivering again and again and again, for the past couple of months. It is time for us to release the versions of ourselves we have believed are true. In our LampLighter group a couple of months

Standing in a New Center

Not only is she a client, but she was a friend first!  Sometimes working with people I love is challenging because we’re navigating multiple dimensions of a relationship simultaneously. I don’t typically work with friends and family, but when someone I care about comes to me in the midst of a major life challenge, I’m jumping in. No one really

Opening the File Cabinet to Choice

“It’s a good marriage,” she paused. “It’s fine. We don’t really get each other, but it’s fine.’ A bit later, tears came. Tears of regret, frustration, of feeling unseen and unheard not just in her marriage, but seemingly in her life. “We have a friend group, and they’re nice” she paused again, “but they’re really his friends, they don’t really

Find Joy, in Joy

“The practice,” her Spirit said, “is finding Joy, in joy”. …… What? Her entire career she’s worked in being of good service to others, and she was dynamite at it. Detailed, professional, determined, super organized, great communicator, clear and objective, goal-focused, kind, compassionate, patient, and caring. She is and was a professional, outstanding. With all that said, there wasn’t a lot

You’re Not Planning Your Future if You’re Speaking in the Past

I recently met with a client who has been in a life struggle of hurt and confusion that has left her and her entire family in a sense of loss. They have no idea how to move forward from here. As we were working together, I keep noticing how she tells me stories about what other people had done, how

What Did You Expect? The Need for Clarity in Our Expectations

“They should know”. “We’ve been together since high school. I shouldn’t have to tell him when something is wrong”. “She knows what’s wrong if she’s paying any attention”.   Ugh. These words strike pain in my chest every single time I hear them. And, I hear often.     Why do we have expectations of people to know what we want,

No Such Thing as Opposite

“I feel torn – like there are two sides of me”, she said, wringing her hands in her lap, “on one hand I feel like it’s the best thing that could happen to me, and I’m excited for what can come. But on the other hand, I love what I do and am sad to leave it.” Not abnormal at all,