Your life in a nutshell – It is what you celebrate

Your life in a nutshell – It is what you celebrate   “Well, it’s not like it’s a big deal.” He said, in his usual tone when he doesn’t understand why I am saying what I am saying.   “I disagree,” I said, “this is your life happening. It deserves a picture.”   My husband and I were talking about

We take care of what we value…

We take care of what we value…   Her voice cracked as she spoke, “I don’t understand why they don’t treat me well.”  She was speaking, not of some random manager at work, or the barista at the local coffee shop, but of her own children.   We talked through the trials and tribulations of young adult children, how they

Don’t take time, Make time…

Don’t take time, Make time…   Making your List, checking it twice… are you on it? Tis’ the season for all the things!!! I love the holidays! All the busyness, gatherings, hosting, shopping, decorating, food, parties, I love it all! … Until I don’t. As a good extroverted introvert, (that means I was raised to engage well with others, but

A time of Thanks

Cheers to another wonderful year. As we step into this time of Thanks, there is much that comes to mind.    It is easy to be thankful for the apparent good things: I am thankful for our first batch of chickens I am thankful my Son is back on US soil I am thankful Clarence’s son is back living in

What are we afraid of? An ode to feelings.

He started this endeavor when he brought them home by saying, “now Anne, you can’t fall in love with them. You know why we’re raising these.” And there they were, 25 little fluffy yellow chicks peeping around a tiny little swimming pool in our garage.  I heard what he was saying. As well as this man knows me, I stopped

A time of trust and transference

I said to him with zero hesitation, knowing in advance, it may not be received comfortably, “If you want to build a relationship that is founded in trust then grab a shovel and dig for it.” His spirit was very clear with him that he was in a place in his life of not quite knowing what to do or

A year of relationship stages

A year of relationship stages “This makes everything in my life make sense.” It was a comment made during one of our LampLighter mid-month check ins. A new member was participating in a conversation in which we discussed a core theme of 2024 – relationship. The entire year in regards to relationships has been about receiving clarity. The phrase that

Content vs. Happy by Guest Writer Kristie Hennen

Content vs. Happy Would you rather be happy or content? I was asked this the other day. And to be honest, if I was asked this a couple months ago I likely would have had a different answer than what I have now. Actually, I know I would have. Heck, my saying in life used to be “choose happy.” But,

Like a Farmer by Guest Writer Kristie Hennen

Like a Farmer Be patient. They say patience is a virtue and I can attest to that. It’s incredibly hard to wait whether it be on something or someone. Waiting sucks. Especially when you want it so badly. Especially when you put in the work and you’re ready. Oh, but it’s just not time. Be patient. We’re taught from a