Classes and Events
My teaching and class style is hands on and interactive, with a fair dash of humor. I purposely keep my classes fairly small as I want everyone to have the chance to ask questions, share examples, celebrate their successes and feel supported when they’re learning with me. I believe we all learn best when we’re having fun, so I welcome engagement from participants and try to approach even challenging situations with an element of humor and softness. I love people! I love to teach, and I live for the ah-ha moments that often come when participants experience something new!
My events are steeped in welcoming energy. I want each person to feel accepted and wanted at my events. I operate with the intention that everyone will receive something of benefit, and my joy is to show people a new perspective, or introduce them to a part of themselves that has perhaps gone unnoticed. I see Light and purpose in each person and my desire is for that Light to be recognize, kindled and expanded.

Private Sessions
Private sessions are now available in the Walker/Backus area.
Contact Anne for more information.
Private Readings
In this event, one on one readings are held in private (space provided by host) so each participant has individual private time with me. Reading length is based on the amount of time and number of people scheduled by the host, for the event. I am available for a couple of hours, or an entire day.
Details: $250.00 per hour, number of people determined on individual basis
Please contact Anne for dates and available appointment times
The LampLighter Group
The LampLighters gather to connect with Spirit and receive direct messages to guide us on our journey by creating within us a deeper sense of consciousness and intentionality in our lives. LampLighter messages come to us to delve deeper, bringing advanced awareness, and cultivation of our Divine Self, and how we are LampLighters for others in this world. Each month Spirit delivers messages of what and how to pay attention to the current energies, including dates and practices to allow us to utilize the Universe and its gifts to our greatest advantage.
Date To Be Determined/Coming Soon
Healing the Inner Child
Online Class – Dates TBD
Past Life Regression Class
Ever wonder about those instant connections you feel with only certain people? How about those people, or issues you seem to be stuck struggling with your entire life? Want some answers? This may be the class for you. Join me as we learn about past lives and the regression process, along with experiencing regression through hypnosis. This is a group experience class. A regression experience can not be guaranteed. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat if you prefer to be on the floor. Max of 12 people.
The Chakras – An Experiential Introduction with Judy Merritt
The Chakras: an Experiential Introduction draws upon the ancient traditions of Kundalini Yoga, the wisdom of Anodea Judith (a well-known author and educator of the chakras for over 40 years), as well Judy Merritt’s years of personal experience working with the chakras through her yoga, meditation and healing practices.
***You MUST register in advance; no registration will be taken the day of the class***
Psychic Playground
Get grounded
Open up your intuitive receivers
Learn how your intuition works through YOU
Discover the truth that you really ARE intuitive
This is a fun, play-based environment so we ca all support each other in learning.
***You MUST register in advance; no registration will be taken the day of the class***
Sacred Sages
Mother Nature provides all we need to cleanse, heal and create wonderful, high vibration energy within ourselves and our spaces. This class will introduce you to Cypress, Cedar and Sages. You will learn their gifts, how to use them and journey with them to receive their healing messages for you.
Be Your Peace and Joy
Hanmi Buddhist Foundations Meditation Day
Guided Meditation
ONE Holistic Wellness, ST. Cloud, MN
Many have asked, so I’m offering this. Let’s gather for an hour to relax, align and go within.
There will be guided meditation along with sharing our experiences with meditation and our personal practice.
All Day Soul Gathering
Crooked Willow Event Center, Osakis, MN
This is a great event for all things in Spirit! Come and truly fill your Soul with a day of vendors and speakers.
I will be giving the keynote at this event so come out and join the fun and get your Soul groove on.

Learn more about the many services that I provide to assist people to be thier own best selves.
I work as a psychic, a medium, shamanic practitioner, Reiki Master and Teacher, bodyworker, life and business coach, hypnotherapist, PSYCH K practitioner and more. I’m a healer.

Schedule An Appointment With Anne
As a trained coach and intuitive my work focuses on helping you remove the block and create your best YOU.
My services include Wellness-Coaching,
Psychic Readings/Mediumship, Shamanic Service and more. Get on my schedule and book your appointment now.
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