NO as a complete sentence Once again she was validating why she was setting a boundary with a person who has no sense of boundaries. Every word she said after “No, I can’t because…” was just more fuel for the fire. Just say “NO.” and be done with it, a friend told her. “What she said,” I
Endings and Beginnings
Greetings and welcome to a NEW YEAR! How the heck did we get here?! As a kid I remember complaining about how long things, like summer vacation would last. Yes, really. I was a farm kid so summer for many of my friends was biking around town, going to the lake to swim, hanging out with friends all
Your life in a nutshell – It is what you celebrate
Your life in a nutshell – It is what you celebrate “Well, it’s not like it’s a big deal.” He said, in his usual tone when he doesn’t understand why I am saying what I am saying. “I disagree,” I said, “this is your life happening. It deserves a picture.” My husband and I were talking about
Setting Limits to Save Ourselves
“You’re doing the job of 10 people, and that’s a conservative estimate,” I said. “I know.” Her body slunk down, her eyes dropped and filled a bit with tears. “You are an amazing human, but you’re just ONE human. You get three.” “But who’s going to do the rest?!” She looked at me in shock. “Great question. Start with giving
What are we afraid of? An ode to feelings.
He started this endeavor when he brought them home by saying, “now Anne, you can’t fall in love with them. You know why we’re raising these.” And there they were, 25 little fluffy yellow chicks peeping around a tiny little swimming pool in our garage. I heard what he was saying. As well as this man knows me, I stopped
Jack o Lanterns Heart
The weather is turning cooler, the leaves are falling, along with the acorns (watch out below); it’s time to tuck the perennials in for their long winter nap, and finally, a reprieve from mowing the lawn. With all the fun of fall, my favorite activity has got to be carving the pumpkins with my son. So, out to the farm
Better done than perfect. It is a statement on a simple square of white paper that hangs inside a cabinet door in my office. It has become my mantra. For years I have put off doing things outside my comfort zone because I didn’t think they would be good enough. Good enough meaning I was comparing myself to an invisible
Follow Your Nature
Follow your Nature. I love fall, it is by far my favorite season. All the summer people are clutching their sunblock and gasping right now and I’m ok with that. Fall is my season. I want to hike, camp, cook, stew and can, and all the things that take me to a space of nature, creativity, and abundance. Fall is
The Gift of Nothing
As we are preparing for this Fall’s hunting season. This story from years past resonates with me even stronger now. With so much noise in our world – political, economical, threats of war, etc. there is such a yearning within me for quiet. I said to a friend of mine months back when she asked me why I go hunting
Love and Fear- choosing your perspective
I could think of thousands of examples if I try. So very many times when we are looking into the space of ‘new’ or ‘different’ we feel into our bodies an equal experience of love and fear. That part of us that is super excited by options and possibilities, and desired outcomes, and that part of us that just wants