As our Minnesota winter has been very spring-like it is actually hard to believe I still have to wait so long for garden season. Each year my unofficial first sign of spring is the Acme tomato catalog showing up in my mailbox. Last week, it happened. As I opened the mailbox the intense orange of the paper almost jumped into
Letting us off the hook – New Year message from LampLighter
Letting us off the hook – New Year message from LampLighter I had been feeling it. The desire to just sleep, to rest, to drink hot beverages from a pottery mug, to write, to feel, to sit… and not much else. I was on my feet of course, working, cooking, entertaining, all the holiday things… but this undercurrent
Endings and Beginnings
Greetings and welcome to a NEW YEAR! How the heck did we get here?! As a kid I remember complaining about how long things, like summer vacation would last. Yes, really. I was a farm kid so summer for many of my friends was biking around town, going to the lake to swim, hanging out with friends all
We take care of what we value…
We take care of what we value… Her voice cracked as she spoke, “I don’t understand why they don’t treat me well.” She was speaking, not of some random manager at work, or the barista at the local coffee shop, but of her own children. We talked through the trials and tribulations of young adult children, how they
A time of trust and transference
I said to him with zero hesitation, knowing in advance, it may not be received comfortably, “If you want to build a relationship that is founded in trust then grab a shovel and dig for it.” His spirit was very clear with him that he was in a place in his life of not quite knowing what to do or
A year of relationship stages
A year of relationship stages “This makes everything in my life make sense.” It was a comment made during one of our LampLighter mid-month check ins. A new member was participating in a conversation in which we discussed a core theme of 2024 – relationship. The entire year in regards to relationships has been about receiving clarity. The phrase that
A time of Re-Attunement
I don’t think it is lost on anyone reading this that the entire year has been a, well… let’s say… adjustment. I am constantly sitting with people on the border, or in full tilt overwhelm, with all of the goings on of our world, and their individual lives. Many people have experienced incredible changes this year. Everything from
Moving from ME to WE
We have been waiting, some for millenia, for us, as humanity, to reach this New Age. Well folks, we’re here. We are in it, and while it means lots of tossing and turning for many, it is indeed wonderful as we learn as humans how to feel at home in it. It is new, for sure. One thing that Spirit
Making dreams come true
They have been through a lot honestly. A sudden loss turned their entire life upside down, and in the midst of it, they were losing connection to one another. It was totally fair; everyone was scrambling, more demands coming from far more people and directions taking them further away from each other way more often then even before. Their lives
Finding peace in the spaces in between spaces
The conversation was bold and deep and transparent. Five professionals, all different in how we work but similar in that we work to help create ways for ourselves and others to shift into a new age, with new ways in life, business, leadership and community. As I feel like I have been navigating change and the unknown for a few