Welcome to the New Year, now DO mostly nothing

Greetings and welcome to 2024!

My family will tell you, I am a celebrator. I love to celebrate. All the things; birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, life changes of all sorts and degrees, holidays, non-holidays, a sunshiny day, you name it. On any given day I can be found walking out my front door and exclaiming “HELLO WORLD!” to the sky and trees around me just to greet a new day. I love to celebrate.

With that, I love the New Year! I write a good-bye letter to each year passed, I relish the quiet of New Year’s day, and do my best to just sit in it, and find incredible excitement in proclaiming to the Universe all that I desire for the new year. It’s my kind of fun, lost in my mind imagining how amazing life can be. It’s so easy to get caught up in everything that I want and desire, and all that I need to DO and BE to allow it in… sometimes, it’s just a lot.

So, here is what I will offer all of you enthusiastic new years people who can also find themselves getting overwhelmed in their own wake… slow down, it’s not time yet.

It is Winter, it’s a time to go slow, and hunker down, to rest and nurture and dream. Dream. Just dream. This season asks us to go deep inside and nestle around our dreams. This is the season to dream about what is possible, to craft and to plan and to let the energies build while we wait for spring. Long about february-ish we will start to feel the stir. Then, and only then are the energies right for DOING. Right now, we are in a BEing phase.

Right now Spirit is asking us who we need to BE in order to prepare for our great dreams? Who allows these dreams into reality? What are your limiting beliefs and storylines that need to shift in order to create a smooth clear pathway for manifestation? Those are the places deep within that we are to be nurturing into at this time. In the dark and quiet of winter we have the space to love ourselves into our most authentic selves, the one that is ready to accept great dreams as they materialize in front of us.

Honor the seasons, go within, ask yourself the questions that only true inner connection can answer: Who am I? What is my greatest desire? What is Spirit asking me to clear at this time to make room for my dreams to come true? From inside you can be aware of the subtle messages that your Spirit is delivering and just in time, we will find ourselves ready for the DOing of Spring.

Forever the Journey, Anne

PS- As a thank you for an amazing and challenging 2023 a donation has been made in the honor of my clients and followers, to Smiles for Jake a non-profit organization that provides support and education for those whos lives have been touched by suicide.

I am so grateful for your continued support this year as my life is weaving a new tapestry.

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