Until We Meet Again

Until We Meet Again

As the mist cleared, I stepped into the sounds of men shouting, my body being pushed and shoved back and forth, bumping off of one another like pinballs. The noise was deafening, my lack of clear vision intensified the yelling and demands that came from the planks above me. Grunge and sweat were everywhere. I could feel the filth of

A Spirit Called Mystery

A Spirit Called Mystery

“I woke up from a dream,” she said, “and in this dream, this famous female healer looked at me and said, “You are becoming nothing” “. My gut clenched. “Shit,” I thought, “is she telling me I’m in this world to become nothing!?” My dear friend continued, “Yeah, my friends thought it was the greatest thing ever! I totally felt

There is No Such Thing as Free Time

There is No Such Thing as Free Time

I love it when the Spirit interjects a perspective I haven’t considered before into a session. It’s often an “ah-ha!” moment form my client and myself and always leaves me with much to think about. I feel lucky to be delivering this profound wisdom. It went something like this… “No, that’s not what we’re suggesting. Simply that you consider your

Finding a Piece of Myself: Growing as an Introvert

Finding a Piece of Myself-Growing as an Introvert

Many of you will laugh when I say this, but I am an introvert.  Like pretty heavy.  Seriously. Most people watch me and think I am a total “people person”, which is how we usually term extroverted people. I’m chatty, laugh, engage in conversation, and all of the stuff my Mother taught me to be (who honestly expected me to

Healing Through Generations

Healing Through Generations

There is a saying that goes, “daughters come here to heal the sins of their mothers”. Now, let me be clear – this does not mean all of our mothers are some weird sinners. The deeper message is that as daughters, we tend to face a place at some point in our lives, where we have to take a look

Honoring the Sacred Masculine

Welcome to Summer! Here in the Midwest we’re finally breaking out of the weight of winter. Not kidding, there were many places in Minnesota that have had snow fall in the last couple weeks. Its been crazy. Yard work, everywhere is in full swing. The BBQ’s are breaking out, and the boats are hitting the lakes in high fashion.  I

Deja Vu Doo Doo

When I got the inspiration for this writing I was tempted to title it” Déjà vu doo doo” as in “crap, I’m doing it again”. So I guess I just did, even though to some of you that may seem inappropriate. I was sitting down with my darling husband earlier today as he’s getting all tied in a knot AGAIN

For the love of our Grandmothers’

So, Friday afternoon a friend and I are sitting down having a glass of wine after a short workday and we begin to talk about her Grandma. I’ve read for this person before, and she recounted the first time I had ever read for her, and her Grandma came through in the reading. We talked about her love of visiting

Stress Less

Stress Less

Stress…less Gosh darn it!  I ran late with a client, and now I’m rushing like crazy to get across town to my P.T. appointment. EVERYONE is in my way, as if they’re all doing it on purpose. I stop at a light, “Okay Anne, breathe” I say to myself, “You know if you focus on being late, you’re just going

CUTV News Radio Interview

CUTV News Radio Interview

This week, I was on CUTV News Radio with Jim Masters to talk about my work, life, and answer questions. If you are interested in listening in, you can visit BlogTalkRadio here. Excerpt: “…I find people absolutely fascinating and part of what fascinates about people is how they get to be who they are in the moment I meet them