Life in the Dash

“When you walk through the graveyard, look at the dates on the tombstones. What you see is the date someone was born, a dash, and the date they died. Their whole life was lived in that dash.” -MN Adult and Teen Challenge Director – Brainerd, MN Campus The words hit me like a brick. In the end, our life is

Alone Time aka Me Time

Alone Time aka Me Time

I am an introvert. Simply put, I need time by myself to recharge and get my bearings straight. I realize that not everyone needs this. I mean, lots of people say “everyone needs time alone”, but honestly, not really everyone does. And you know what? It’s completely cool. You, do you. On a recent trip I took way up North,

But First, Trust

“Trust is having the experience to base our confidence on. Faith is having nothing and believing anyway.” -Anne Brady-Cronin I was recently talking with a client of mine about making some fairly substantial changes in her business. She’s been quite successful by most people’s standards, and her own (which is the best), but is finding herself wanting “more” from herself

Climbing through the “Sometimes” of Life

We use a lot of words to describe how wonderful our lives are: joyful, abundant, amazing, incredible, fulfilled, purposeful. There is nothing that feels as good as accomplishing the goal you’ve been striving for, fulfilling a sense of purpose deep inside your soul, having amazing experiences for ourselves and with our loved ones. Life can truly be incredibly amazingly stupendously

The Ever-Breaking Heart

The Ever-Breaking Heart

It’s been months, at least, if not longer since I sat and wrote this. My step-son Erik is facing a divorce, starting with a ‘we should separate’, and by the time you read this, it will be finished. To respect him and his privacy, I’ll wait to share the story. I sit with this bright, motivated, funny, intelligent, insightful 28-year-old

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

I sit at the table for breakfast on the deck. Coffee – check. Yogurt – check. Berries – check. Yellowjacket – shit, I hate those things! There it is, I swear staring at me, to see if I’ll react. I whisper to it, “Please stay away from me, you know I don’t like you.” Three more of his friends show

Pleasing vs. Proud

Pleasing vs. Proud

She sat with tears in her eyes, across from me on the sofa. In my usual chair, I looked at her in emotion, but it didn’t match. “Four years ago” she began, “I thought everyone who passed me on the street was sad they had to see me. I thought everyone who had to talk to me during any day

Summer. Get it while it’s hot!

Close your eyes…imagine yourself; January, freezing cold, winds howling outside, another vortex coming our way. Makes your spine shiver just thinking about it, doesn’t it?  Now, in that imaginary scene, what do you do to comfort yourself in the throws of winter? We imagine summer! We think of the sun, the heat.  Lots and lots of heat.  As Minnesotan’s we

Until We Meet Again

Until We Meet Again

As the mist cleared, I stepped into the sounds of men shouting, my body being pushed and shoved back and forth, bumping off of one another like pinballs. The noise was deafening, my lack of clear vision intensified the yelling and demands that came from the planks above me. Grunge and sweat were everywhere. I could feel the filth of

A Spirit Called Mystery

A Spirit Called Mystery

“I woke up from a dream,” she said, “and in this dream, this famous female healer looked at me and said, “You are becoming nothing” “. My gut clenched. “Shit,” I thought, “is she telling me I’m in this world to become nothing!?” My dear friend continued, “Yeah, my friends thought it was the greatest thing ever! I totally felt