Breaking Through

My mind’s running away with me as much as I am when I leave for my personal retreat time. I pack the day beforeI leave, but it never fails that I am running around in the morning thinking of every last thing I might want or need should I find myself with a certain time and the desire to do

Living From Your Center

In my work I very often find myself with amazing people who, for various reasons, are not living their lives like they are amazing. Recently, I was engaged with a woman who was struggling with life in general. She had a nice life, but just was not feeling it. She lacked fulfillment and a sense of belonging in her world.

The Best We Can Do Is Love

I was working with a client the other day and we were having a conversation about how we know when we’re doing what is “right” for any given situation. She’s still relatively new to her position, and it is not one for the faint of heart. Her job is stressful and demanding of her personally and professionally. She works long

You Can’t Un-Find Yourself

I met with her in a space of tears. Hers, not mine. This was a woman who had done her work. She took herself from an insecure, self-doubting, depressed shadow of herself to the self-empowered, confident,” I can do this!” woman she is today. She did the work for it. I just guided her process. So here she is a

The Not So Grateful Practice of Letting Go

A wise friend of mine told me, before I had my son, that becoming a parent was agreeing to let your heart run around outside your body. After I had Christian, I realized just how right he was. All the time when he was growing up, I had to trust him, or some other adult to take care of him

Love in the Lost and Found

As most of you know, I had knee surgery at the end of December 2019. As many of you don’t know, it’s not healed and I’m still dealing with a recovery which has not recovered the way it should’ve. I’ve always been a go for a walk person; I walk for exercise, to clear my head, I hike, climb, and

Excuse Me, Are You Sitting on My Shield?

Remember the Serenity Prayer line about controlling the things I can, and releasing the things I can’t control? Sometimes I suck at it – just saying. Not all the time. Mostly, I’m actually pretty darn good. I know when to back out and back off, even when it’s something fairly personal or close to my heart or beliefs. It’s taken

Freedom vs. Fear

A while back I was working remotely with a client, which with a global pandemic has become a regular thing. In the midst of her session we were visited by an amazing Spiritual being. He came in Angel form and referred to himself as, what sounded to me like “Chamual” as in Samual but with a “cha”. I was not

Calling All Eclectics

I am a psychic, bodyworker, coach, hypnotherapist, energy healer, NLP and PSYCH K practitioner, and a few more things if I really dig for a list. Thirty years ago,I left my hometown of 800 people and moved to Florida to train as a massage therapist. My father, knowing no one woman who worked doing massage, assumed I was going to

If At Once You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try, Try Something New

As many of you know, I am the mother of a boy; strong, bright, determined…and stubborn. A while back we were having a conversation in regards to his physical training as he’s preparing to leave for the Navy. I was giving him suggestions in regards to an issue he’s having particular challenges with. Now, what most of you don’t know