Don’t take time, Make time…

Don’t take time, Make time…


Making your List, checking it twice… are you on it?

Tis’ the season for all the things!!!

I love the holidays! All the busyness, gatherings, hosting, shopping, decorating, food, parties, I love it all!

Until I don’t.

As a good extroverted introvert, (that means I was raised to engage well with others, but my comfort and rest is by myself) I want to do all things “holidays,” but then I end up overwhelmed and exhausted.

Anyone else?

I know there are more of us, and I say us and not me, because I am hearing from you everyday. The hustle and bustle can get to be too much and in our desire to create the perfect holiday experience for everyone we love, we put all of them way ahead of ourselves on our holiday lists. Let’s face it, most of us never make our own Christmas list. Not to say we don’t buy ourselves presents, but do we give ourselves presence? As in, do you show up for YOU?

How is your self care going? When was the last time you took a break? Sat and watched the snow fall, or squirrels run through the trees, really just sat and looked out the window to see what you can see out there? When was the last time you stopped to read a book, or an article (I love pretty magazines!!!)? Where is your exercise and mindfulness routine?

For years, every holiday season I hear the same things from my clients, “I don’t have time. I’m too busy.” Well, stop.

‘Tis the season to remember you have some control. ‘Tis the time to remind yourself that YOU belong on your holiday lists of “to do’s.” Seriously, schedule it. Schedule your workouts, your meditation time, your time to sit in your living room, or a coffee shop and just gather your thoughts and feelings. Schedule it. You have a phone with a calendar, you can buy a $1 notebook and leave yourself notes… no excuses on this.

Part of being truly present to our family and friends means we actually have to show up. In our body, with our awareness, our true “presence” is the gift that most of the folks in our life truly want. It is a season for connection, to ourselves and to one another. In order to be there for others, you need to be there for yourself. As Maya Angelou once quoted, “Never trust a naked man to loan you a shirt.”  You can’t give to others if you’re not giving to yourself. You can’t really be available and present to others, if you can’t be available and present for yourself.

There is no greater gift that we bring to the occasion than our pure, authentic, beautiful Spirited self. Just like finding that perfect gift for that special person, be that excited about time for yourself so that you are giving your best self.

Don’t take time, MAKE TIME.

Now, go put YOU on your list.

Forever the journey, Anne

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