Feeling into our Deserving

I literally had moments of tears. Full on, real tears, I was so taken in by the magnitude of where I was standing and the incredible beauty that surrounded me. It was one of what I call “moments of perfection.”   Moments of Perfection for me are those awe inspiring moments that literally bring me to tears in the best of

Love and Fear- choosing your perspective

I could think of thousands of examples if I try. So very many times when we are looking into the space of ‘new’ or ‘different’ we feel into our bodies an equal experience of love and fear. That part of us that is super excited by options and possibilities, and desired outcomes, and that part of us that just wants

Making dreams come true

They have been through a lot honestly. A sudden loss turned their entire life upside down, and in the midst of it, they were losing connection to one another. It was totally fair; everyone was scrambling, more demands coming from far more people and directions taking them further away from each other way more often then even before. Their lives

Plant Babies

I am a self proclaimed weirdo. I say it about myself so it saves everyone else the trouble and they have the ease of just nodding their heads in agreement. My weirdness is largely based around the fact that I find immense pleasure and unmistakable gushing joy in things that are connected to nature and “homesteading.” Today’s adventure is plant

Nuggets of Gold 

She talked about stepping more deeply into her shadow work lately. Her Guides had brought through a statement about her “changing her mind,” so as we spoke she talked about the many ways as of late, her mind, her perspectives have changed… for the better. By “better,” I mean joy. “I started to see all the nuggets of gold that

Choosing some delusion

It was a very unintentional conversation to be honest. We were gathering for a marketing meeting, sharing a bit while everyone got there, including myself, and then I got curious about some things being said. Talking about what we would tell our 20 year old self sprouted into words of wisdom that I could not let go of. “What has

Looking for distraction – aka, I would prefer to just avoid this

“Workation,” I thought that was a great term! I love heading to Duluth to work because it always feels as much like a vacation as work even though I am seeing clients the entire time that I am there. I expected the same experience this last time I headed North to “work” for the weekend. I stayed at a VRBO

Trust that Soul

I recently sat down and read for a woman who went through an incredible loss as a younger woman, the birth of a stillborn child. Devastating. As a medium it is a territory I have been in with others before, and yet, it still always touches my heart similarly to any major loss that I have not personally experienced… I

Finding peace in the spaces in between spaces

The conversation was bold and deep and transparent. Five professionals, all different in how we work but similar in that we work to help create ways for ourselves and others to shift into a new age, with new ways in life, business, leadership and community. As I feel like I have been navigating change and the unknown for a few

Progress – seeing what currently is does NOT look like

Walking into our cabin, the place our entire family loves to spend time any season of the year, a place filled with fun and love and great memories, the contrast to what was in front of me almost made me cry. Dust of so many different sorts (sheet rock, paneling, tile, old carpet, new carpet, you get it) was tracked