You are NOT dying

You are NOT dying!


One more time I was finding myself having the conversation that I have had with several people through the past few months. 


“Hear this ALL THE WAY THROUGH” I said, knowing my words would sound an alarm. “Your Soul is preparing like you are going to die.”

Her eyes got very big!


“No,” I said. “You are NOT going to die…, but parts of you have, and are.”


From there, Spirit continued to speak. They spoke about how in this time of shifting into the new Age, there are parts of ourselves that need to die off as we are shifting into a higher vibrational field. So, they are, and have been, and will continue to be.


I have had this conversation with a few handfuls of people and each time the message of raising vibration, and releasing of the old is the main purpose to these feelings of the question “Am I going to die?” The majority of the time the person I am working with has had a feeling that they are going to die, but is healthy, and with no logical cause for this feeling. 


It is just a feeling. A feeling that comes from the depth as an almost knowing that something within us is about to go through a monumental change. I have been there myself. A few months ago I was thinking about having my affairs in order. I even said it to a friend of mine, “I feel like I am going to die.” Her response, “Don’t be dumb! You’re not dying!” God bless her. LOL.


We have entered this new Age, we are standing in the midst of a new vibrational field that Spirit shows to me as the top of the hillside in “The Sound of Music.” Beauty as far as the eye can see, layers and layers of beauty, one just rolling seamlessly into the next. Exquisite.


At this time we are in a process of acclimating to this new vibration, think of it as letting your body adjust to visiting the ski areas in Colorado. You have to take some time to let your body adjust or you are going to hate your experience later. We have to just sit, pay attention to our inner selves, and find peace there. It lasts as long as it lasts, and we are just fine… so sit.  


There is nothing special for us to DO, in fact this is all about BEing, and the absence of DOing. Yes, we can get all the things done, in fact, clearing out and simplifying will actually help you BE more solid with less distraction, but the focus right now, is about our BEing. 


Remove distraction wherever possible; fewer things, fewer people, less noise (anyone else been SUPER sensitive to noise lately?????), more water/hydration, less running, more grounding. Make your busyness be on purpose; if it fills your heart and your Spirit, then go. Otherwise, stay home. “Should,” “would,” “could,” and “supposed to” are all off the table. Those are words of someone else’s agenda for you, which they are welcome to keep, and you do not need to hold their purse for them. Honor your heart and your body; rest, hydrate, eat, take time for yourself, this is all about you and your journey through it. 

If something you used to feel really attached to (either physical object, or emotional story) suddenly seems meaningless…, perfect, let it go. 


If this is you, we are going to process this for a while, be kind to yourself, and those around you. We are all shedding some, but some of shedding A LOT, and so, the feeling of dying.


Mind your own store, attend to yourself and your innate needs for peace and calm. We are flowing into an amazing stage of life, we are simply being taken through a place of alignment for the journey ahead. 


Forever the journey, Anne

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