Gimme One Reason

I am a dirty hippy. Specifically, I am a dirty tree hugging, dirt worshiping, wool sock wearing hippy. This is a title my son Christian bestowed upon me years ago. I take it with incredible love as even he recognized he’s just like me.  While he’s not doing much dirty hippy stuff these days in the Navy, I know the

You Were Made For This

The saying goes, “a Navy recruit enlists. Their parents get drafted”. When I hugged my man/boy good-bye for the last time, I cried big crocodile, sad Momma tears like never before. Not like the first time his Dad picked him up and had him for five days straight after we separated, or when Christian left for nine weeks of Boy

Learning to Be Someone Else, Who Is Really Myself

As many of you know, my one and only child recently left to join the US Navy. Proud? Heck yes. Excited? Yup! Sad and crying? Oh, freakin’ absolutely! The plight of the only child is that all of your parent’s everything gets put on you: their hopes, fears, limitations and often, their sense of fulfillment. When I made the decision

Let Me Watch You Fly

Pemo Chodron writes, “One of my favorite subjects of contemplation is this question: Since death is certain, but the time of death is uncertain, what is the most important thing?” And so it goes. Life is full, for all of us, constantly. There is no “have time” there is “make time” and “make it a priority”. I recently completed my

What is Most Important

Pemo Chodron writes, “One of my favorite subjects of contemplation is this question: Since death is certain, but the time of death is uncertain, what is the most important thing?” And so it goes. Life is full, for all of us, constantly. There is no “have time” there is “make time” and “make it a priority”. I recently completed my

Loving All of Him

“I love him, I just wish he’d eat better…and exercise…”  she said. “Yeah, and I wish mine would listen to what I say and trust I know what I’m talking about.” I said, laughing. “I just wish he’d pay attention, I mean we’ve been together for 10 years, he should just know.” Here’s the deal, when we love someone we

Choosing Love, Not Fear

“He just won’t let go of his old fears, I just don’t know how to help him realize I’m not his ex”. Oh, my dears, we are such fixers. Because we are such chickens. If I’ve seen it once, I’ve seen it 1000 times in my work. Some amazing person (man or woman) who is trying once again to save

Riding the Rollercoaster

I LOVE rollercoasters! Seriously, love them. I’m a traditional girl; I’ve ridden the world’s largest wooden coaster back in Florida decades ago. It’s out of commission now…that’s a good thing, trust me. The entire time I was riding it I was quietly waiting for a rail to break, a car to go flying, it was rickety. With that said, it

Sitting in the Shadows

Many of you have heard the reference “the dark night of the Soul”, and many of us (myself included) have met spaces within ourselves, and spaces in our lives, that have felt incredibly dark and heavy. Now may very well be one of them for you. It is easy to talk about evolutionary shifts in a way that makes them

Be the Peace you Wish to See

“Be the peace you wish to see in the world”  Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. made this famous statement more than 50 years ago. He was in the midst of fighting and violence and threats and all the scenes and sounds that are so hauntingly familiar of the space we stand in as Americans at this time.