“Smooth seas do not make a strong sailor”. No truer statement has been made, and this particular statement surrounds a depiction of a large clipper ship amidst raging seas…on the arm of my son. It is a message he holds dear and one that I believe strongly in. “Life” is not most fully experienced through ease alone. I can feel
The Grace in Falling Down
I’ve had plenty of people in my life validate me for being strong; single Mom, self-employed, paid a mortgage on my own for years and still had a great life. I can do things like install hardwood floors, tile a bathroom, sheetrock walls, etc. I got this, or so I thought. Then, something crazy happened. Not all at once, but
It’s All About Walking The Path
I was sitting at coffee yesterday, with a client I’ve worked with the last few years in various capacities. That being both personal work, and business coaching. This time, it was to be a business conversation that quickly went the way of personal growth. Really, the sometimes struggles of personal growth. See, when we are growing up, we’re given a
Being our Best
I gave a talk to a local women’s’ group a while back. It was a talk, that joyfully, turned into a conversation, and I love conversations. I don’t always like giving “talks. Even I get bored listening to myself sometimes. But I do truly adore conversations. It feeds my love of people, and what they think, and who they are
Becoming Yourself – Opening to your intuitive uniqueness
So often I am asked “how can I open up to my own intuition”. Many people that I sit with recognize themselves as being intuitive. They know they have hunches that often work out the way they thought they would. They think of someone and a short time later that person calls. They’ve had dreams that came true. All these
Good bye, and hello; letters to time
Well, here we are, starting a brand-new year! It’s January 1, 2019, and I can literally feel the buzz of newness in the air. That may actually be our -16-degree temps here in Northern MN, but I’m choosing to experience it as the buzz of the New Year, so please leave me to my delusion. I love, and I mean
Going Home for the Holidays
Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like HOME. For so many of us the holidays mean going home. And for many people its not ALWAYS a positive experience. For everyone I work with that is steeped in their family of origin with love, support, unconditional acceptance, there are several who are constantly working to maintain themselves, their truth,
not all fun and ghosts, pray for lost souls
Yesterday I had the opportunity to work in one of the most beautiful old buildings I’ve ever been in, and I’ve been in A LOT of them. a large brick building with a very stately presence, quietly, unassumingly looking over Lake Superior with an air of sophistication. As though the big lake itself sets there simply to be gazed upon
Lost at Sea
I often refer to our second chakra, right below the belly button, as the water basin. Our emotional body is signified by water; fluid, constantly in motion, sometimes deep beyond words, other times shallow. Cool and calm, or hot, balmy, humid. It’s easy, with all of life’s variables, to feel lost in the water basin sometimes. Take now for instance.
Like does truly attract like…a weird epiphany
“Its better to have it along and not need it, than to wish you had it”. I’ve heard my Dad say this a million times, and I honestly don’t think I’m exaggerating. My parents were visiting us at the lake and my ever-chilly Mother was trying to decide if she should bring her jacket on the boat, or not. “Will