Broken branches

I arrived at my parents farm last night to a huge branch broken from one of my apple trees. My Dad walked up as I was surveying the damage, “I don’t know if it was the wind, or just plain the weight of the apples. It’s just overloaded. I wish we could spread them out more from year to year

The Joy of YOU

I’ve been working with lots of people, ok women, lately, who are gifted as amazing, fantastic givers. They give to their spouses, their kids, their neighbors, their co-workers, their husband’s cousins, their community. Give, give, give, give, give. They’re wonderful…at giving!! These same beautiful people, when we talk about “what’s in it for you?” fall into tears. Their perception of

Wishing for a rewind

So often in life we get busy. Most of us are busy squared; running here, running there, running everywhere. “Busy” has become an epidemic. So, we’re most of us are left in a life that is constantly demanding we set aside what we “want” or what is “good for us”, to accomplish the busy. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve many

Do YOU have a Jack o lanterns Heart?

This is a newsletter from a few years ago. I still love the song, and all of its meaning. With all that we are surrounded by right now in the media, politics, world issues, etc. I think it’s a timely reminder to let our inner light shine!! Yes, it can be scary, but in the end, it certainly seems to

The Power of the Unconscious

Thursday, 05 September 2013 The Power of the Unconscious I recently worked with a client of mine on a particular issue, that lead to other particular issues that lead to other issues… it often works that way.  After our second session I got an email of from her telling me she felt crazy, all this old stuff about her past,

Return to Nature

Tuesday, 30 July 2013 Return to Nature I admit my attachment to nature is probably a little different than some others.  I was raised on a dairy farm in central MN and aspire to the old adage “you can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl”.  I still love to

Always going home

Monday, 22 July 2013 Always going home I probably shouldn’t post this until after Sunday, it is supposed to be a surprise after all, but I’m going to risk that you’ll all work with me and not tell my Dad that he’s turning 80, and that we’re throwing him a party. Yes, I realize he knows he’s turning 80, since

A River, a week and a crucifxion

Tuesday, 26 March 2013 A River, a week and a crucifxion A river, a week and a crucifixion   March 26, 2013 I was raised in the Catholic faith. I don’t practice it as a religion any longer, but I’m still thankful my parents raised me with a faith belief system, if for no other reason than as an adult, it


Tuesday, 19 March 2013 Rejection Rejection So, we’re walking out of the Benedicta Arts Center and move past this sculpture in the entryway that is very appropriately named “Rejection”.  It’s a figure of a little person, made in stone, no hair, knees eroded, parts of his skull are missing on one side, head down with his hand over his ear

Letting Go of the Fight

Tuesday, 19 February 2013 Letting Go of the Fight While working with a client yesterday, who has been struggling with some “old story” stories, the people they are linked to, etc., I entered into a conversation with a spirit guide.  He gave me the words to use during the healing process with this client and the message was something like this.