Time for Enough – A Time of Joy

I recently read a post on social media that said, “the gap between what your Soul loves and the amount of time you spend doing I, will be the amount of your unhappiness”. Yikes. Folks, it’s time to get happy. We are in another time of huge energetic shifts. And, this time of a shift is specifically focused on gaining

The Imaginal Self

Do you ever stop for a moment and take in the reality of how many things had to go perfectly right for you to be sitting where you are, being able-minded enough to read these words and comprehend them? Stop and think for a moment; there are approximately 30-40 trillion cells in the human body…TRILLION! Like, with a T! Every

Learning to Leave the Door Open

Recently, I was working with a new client who found me on Google, so we had no history, even via knowing someone in common, to base our foundation on. As I went through the weirdness of working with him for the first time, I started bringing through info from his Guides. His greatest struggle in his life at this point

Give What You Can, From What You’ve Got

“Do you think Clarence would mind if we stop by the grocery store on the way home”? This was my Mother’s question…like my husband, who adores her, and she him, would never think for a moment to say no to this woman.  He just wouldn’t. So he didn’t, so we did. We stopped. My Mother, turning 87 this coming week,

Making the Most of Both of You – A Loving Couple’s Journey

They are so typical in so many ways; young, smart, more energy and heart than money, kids, a house, the whole thing. Always and forever supporting each other in their various careers and jobs. Both of them had jobs and side hustles as they dreamed of the day their side jobs became their main sources of income. Then one day,

A Gentle “Start Again”

At one point in my life, I was an avid cross-country skier. It was not uncommon for me to do a couple of 7 to 10K benefit skis per season and put on well over 100 miles in a ski season. While I’ve never been a gonzo athlete, I love to recreate, especially in the winter. I absolutely love the

The Gift of Not Knowing Someone’s Limitations

To be totally honest, the idea wasn’t even mine. My dear friend, who is helping me with my INSpire retreat this year, and I were having a conversation about some of the pre-retreat homework and I was inquiring with her to see if she thought I was expecting too much. Her feedback was simply, “I think it’s a great idea.

A View From Above

His words could not have been any more impactful if he had literally reached out and popped Clarence in the forehead. “If he were still here, none of us would be”. Standing around our future kitchen at the farm; Clarence, his best friend, Randy, who bought the family farm after Clarence’s brother passed away, and a lifelong friend and neighbor

The Strategy of Empowerment

She came to me on a “do you have some time” note.  This beautiful woman in the midst of struggle and sadness and is really REALLY hard on herself. It’s been a theme lately. She has been trying to heal herself, change her thinking, be more positive, and get clarity for months. Yet, she still experiences the struggle of things

Learning Self Love – Letting It Flow

What I have totally loved noticing lately is the number of men who are practicing the art of self-love. I have occasionally seen, through observing men in my life and through men sharing their own mixed feelings about themselves, that men too, struggle with self-love. As a woman, for years I believed learning to love myself was a women’s plague.