The weather is turning cooler, the leaves are falling, along with the acorns (watch out below); it’s time to tuck the perennials in for their long winter nap, and finally, a reprieve from mowing the lawn. With all the fun of fall, my favorite activity has got to be carving the pumpkins with my son. So, out to the farm we went to collect the beauties that have been growing at my parent’s place all summer, waiting for this, their time to shine. And shine they will.
It reminds me of one of my favorite songs “Jack o Lantern’s Heart” by Peter Mayer. It’s a song about a farmer talking to his pumpkins about this being their time to shine. That one very special night that is the expression of all that they were created for. The pumpkins of course, aren’t so sure about this. It’s scary to them. They’re not so sure that having eyes to see, and letting the light shine from within them is really such a great idea, since ultimately, it means the end of them. With the fear building, they start a bit of a riot over the issue until one pumpkin finally speaks up. He reminds them that they were created to shine, to share their light, that they’ll have eyes to see the wonderment that surrounds them, and even though brief, it’s why they’re here. The decision is simply this: Shine for one night, or simply die on the vine, never having seen, or given light to the world at all. It would seem a simple choice, and so it goes.
Our lives too are like this pumpkin patch. Sometimes it’s scary to walk our truth, sometimes it’s uncomfortable, and sometimes it would be neater and cleaner and seemingly easier to just “die on the vine”. But, this time here is short, to shine is why we came here, and think of all we see with our wonderful wide open eyes. I often see clients struggling with these issues; I also face these very same challenges, the desire to just quietly sit idle, to stay safe. It’s not for us to simply let it all move by, and safety– well, is just a perception. This is our time to face the world with bright eyes, with funny grins on our faces, to give light to all around us, to be the truth that lives within each of us, every single day, in ways of all shapes and sizes.
So, I ask you, to let your inner light shine for all to see and admire, to be who you are in the truth of your soul, or simply put, to have a Jack ‘o Lantern’s Heart.
Forever the journey, Anne