Thank the great Spirit, Spring is SPRINGING! Folks, here in the Midwest, it has been a loooooong hard winter; record snowfalls, major vortex cold spells, as those of us who have been around awhile have said, “It’s a real old-fashioned Minnesota winter!” That sentiment comes with both smiles of remembering fun filled days as kids, and a little bit of duck and cover as part of that memory of old.
Mother Nature seems to be kicking Jack Frost to the curb and we couldn’t be happier. Of course, I’m writing this from the lake as I’m watching snow/rain combination getting blown around the yard. It’s now April, it’ll be short lived…yep, there’s the sun. Spring is crazy! One minute snow, the next, sun, or rain, or well, who knows what. We take solace in the idea that whatever comes, something else will be right behind it. I often tell my out of state clients, you have to be a certain kind of special to love Minnesota. And at our house, we do…and so I guess we are.
Spring means lots of things to lots of people, the seed catalog orders are appearing on doorsteps, mud and slush on our boots, March madness brings winter high school sport season to an end and spring training begins. Dress codes are all over the place, we are the state that makes rubber boots with skirts look really cute! Bring a coat, and an umbrella, and sunscreen.
What I truly love most about Spring is the newness. The energies of the earth are waking up and with them starts to churn the energies of awakening, creativity and expansion. Ideas pop, things start to break loose and momentum starts to build as things slowing move forward fruition. Now that we’re out of Mercury retrograde (thank you!) communications are opening up and “flow” is a word that is being peppered in conversations again! It’s beautiful!
Spring for me, is a time when I want to do EVERYTHING! Seriously, I drive my husband absolutely nuts. I want to do everything! There are six classes on my want list as I write this. I drove to the lake this morning to see how the maple sap is running, that’s a new endeavor this year. Totally small scale, but I’ve never done it before so I just had to. I will attend two fundraisers just this week, and the energy makes me feel like my feet are barely touching the ground. Speaking of ground, TIME TO GET INTO THE WOODS! I’ve officially traded my snowshoes and skis for my hiking boots. My bike is calling to me from the rack, ooooooohhhh, its time! tomato plants are ordered, garden is being plotted. We have events coming up nearly every weekend until the end of May (check Facebook and email for what’s happening!). You get it, it’s time to move.
Then enters Spirit. Calm down. Sit. Breathe. Center. Focus. Develop. Implement. Spirit is like a gentle parent; calming yet supportive, encouraging deliberate and clear. Spirit asks us to use our creativity not just for movement of our physical selves, but for clearing our mind of old unserving beliefs and storylines. Spirit asks us at this time to recognize where we are constantly returning to old fears that keep our ego mind in control, and how to gently support our inner child so that we can move beyond the old to serve our greater selves in the new.
We are loved, unconditionally by Spirit, for it is only LOVE. With that LOVE we are able to navigate the inner crevice’s and shadows with courage and compassion for ourselves, release our inner captives and gain freedom to be our true creative, expansive selves. The energies of Spring invite us to actualize our greatest gifts, to have big thoughts, big dreams, and take big steps in the directions of our desires. We are asked to try new things, to reach for higher branches knowing intuitively we are always held. While we may occasionally stumble, we can’t fall far when we honor our Divine truth and wisdom. Mother Earth holds us with security, but not constriction. She gives us the freedom to choose for ourselves and to follow our boldest paths. She loves us as we take giant leaps or remain standing in place to take in the views while we gather ourselves inside.
Spring not only moves us, but she loves us. Supports and encourages us. We are reconnected with our sense of awakening in this time, which leads us directly to greater self-awareness and self-remembering. We are Gift in this time, on this Earth. Each and every one of us resonates with the joy of Spirit. We are her best ideas!
In this time of awakening, I invite you to connect with that great Spirit. To return to the earth with your joys, your thoughts, your dreams, your inspirations. To give her what no longer serves you, your burdens, your limitations, your doubts. Invite Spirit to give fuel to your inner fire and see what wonders you can behold in this great life of yours.
Blessings galore