Time to Lighten the Load

“I hate September,” she said “As long as I can remember I have hated September. I hated it when my kids went back to school in the fall and it was time to get back into a routine. I love them being at home with me, and I always hated it when they left from grade school through college I always hated it when I left.”

“Well, your kids are now adults and how they interact with you is not dependent on the school system. So, do you think it’s time to leave that old idea of hitting September behind?” I asked.

She continued, “I’ve hated September as long as I can remember. Even when I was a kid every year, I would throw up for a week the first week of having to go back to school. I hate pulling the plants out of my garden in September I hate draining my pool for the winter.“  I asked her, “So what part of that September story are you willing to give up?”

And we began our discussion from there.

It’s so easy to forget that our thoughts are our habits on replay. In addition, those repetitive thoughts create repetitive feelings. It only makes sense that over time we would start to actually believe that we think what we think and we feel but we feel. I know we’ve had this conversation before and we’re going to have it again.

Cosmically right now we are in a time that is all about bringing clarity into our relationships; who are we within our relationships with our partners, our friends, our Troyer, our hobbies, and, of course, foremost who are we in our relationship with ourselves? The universe is putting the clamps on us to help us gain clarity of what we want to continue to bring along with us, and what we want to discard along the pathway because we just don’t need it, nor do we want it anymore. Let’s go ahead and do that.

My client’s repetitive thoughts and feelings, and ever-increasing discomfort were simply a sign that her Spirit was asking her to leave on the side of the path that no longer served her. Her children are not children anymore, they are not grown adults. She is no longer that child going back to school every September getting sick. Yes, she still hates draining her pool for the winter, and she still despises pulling the animals out of her garden and trimming back her perennials in time for a Minnesota winter. But there are still two very powerful attachments she can indeed leave behind.

When we start to leave behind even small components of bigger thought forms, mindsets, and feelings, it can create tremendous change in the ones we still carry with us. The load is lighter when there’s less, it’s very simple. When we have fewer negative attachments to something, then the weight of that something is simply less.

In this time, be aware of what you think you think. Pay attention to the habitual mindsets the repetitive thought patterns, and the feelings that come from them. Your Spirit is asking you to be clear about how much of this baggage needs to come forward with you and where is there room to lighten your load.

Forever the journey, Anne

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