Thin as a Whisper, Nudge, or a Flash

“It was there, and then it was gone! Like in a flash!”, the intensity in his voice was absolutely undeniable…he was freaked out! “I was just walking down the hallway to the bathroom, and when I passed my daughter’s bedroom door, I swear I saw her standing there!”

Ah, the all too common experience when someone’s woo-woo mind starts to open up.

In this case, the “her” standing there was his passed-on Grandmother. A woman that not only adored him but also adored his daughter. The daughter in this case was at college, the summer semester, out of state. Ten minutes later, the phone rang.  “Dad, you’re gonna think I’m crazy, but I swear I just saw Nana”.

“What the F–K is going on!?” he almost shouted at me.

Of course, I do what I usually do when I watch someone having a breakthrough moment, or simply, kind of freaking out…I laughed!

Here is what I know about both the Dad and the daughter as I’ve worked with them both. They are both super sensory intuitive. What this means is they both have crazy awake Spidey senses, they perceive everybody’s everything and through that tend to “know” when something is up. Here is what else I know about them… they are both in denial of their abilities.

So, when I hear this story all I can think is how great it is that they are having direct experiences so they can’t deny their abilities anymore.

Here’s the deal. We’re all intuitive, we just vary in the ways and levels of how our intuition speaks to us uniquely. We are all very special flowers, how we perceive through our innate intuitive abilities is also special to each and every one of us. What I also know is the veil that separates this physical world from the vibrational, or Spirit world, is incredibly thin, and only becoming thinner.

As we continue to evolve vibrationally, and you are evolving vibrationally whether you recognize it, or acknowledge it or not, our availability to perceive through that veil is ever increasing. More and more of us will be having experiences of intuition in ways you never have, and for many, they will start experiencing things they have never before experienced. It’s the Spirit’s natural flow of things.

We came here as Spirit as much as Soul and our humanity is just this experience for these lessons. The planet is indeed the playground for us to experiment and experience that which we can only contrive in our vibrational form. We have within us an innate connection to all that is and as we as humanity evolve (even when it doesn’t look like it, we are indeed evolving) our abilities to merge with what is beyond the veil simply increase. We are more connected and so we have more direct experiences.

In this time you will, without doubt, be having more hunches, more nudges, seeing more, hearing more, feeling more, sensing more, and knowing more than ever before.  The secret is to stop, quiet, and listen.

My clients naturally develop their own intuitive abilities because spending time in connection through our work together simply brings them into a greater level of alignment with themselves, which opens up their energetic frequency as well. Reading, writing, listening, meditating, prayer, communing with nature, and spending time in quiet, all of these activities accentuate our connection to ourselves, and accordingly to Spirit.

No matter what your intuitive channel is, know that your experience of Spirit is increasing. I encourage you to give yourself permission to stop, quiet and perceive. Notice what you notice, without fear or doubt of your ability to receive within Spirit.

Spirit is available to all of us, while different from one another, we all have the ability to invite Spirit into our lives more fully. Open up to a whisper, nudge, or a flash.

Forever the journey, Anne

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