They are so typical in so many ways; young, smart, more energy and heart than money, kids, a house, the whole thing. Always and forever supporting each other in their various careers and jobs. Both of them had jobs and side hustles as they dreamed of the day their side jobs became their main sources of income. Then one day, they did it in the midst of a pandemic, looking for a new home and becoming pregnant – they made a big jump. What the actual f#@k were they thinking?! It was ballsy, to say the least … courageous to say the most. Faith-filled and convicted, they jumped in.
For years they stood strong and encouraged one another in their individual pursuits. They each had their passions and desires, and were cheerleaders for one another from the respective sidelines, not wanting to drive the other bus to success. They both took a risk to be self-employed. They needed a new lesson.
As we talked, Spirit directed them that it was time to make the most of one another. Guiding them to their individual greatnesses, it was now time for them to bring their best to each other’s table. Their guides talked about the strengths they each had; one had a vision, and one had the details. One was passion, the other tireless effort. They were both techies but in totally different applications. The two together could do anything. This is exactly what Spirit wanted them to realize.
They were so busy balancing it all, not wanting to stick their nose in the other’s business, that they didn’t realize what a powerful team they could be if they ran things together.
Teamwork makes the dream work.
A new vision, and a different sort of respect and excitement at what becomes their reality. The greatest gift was that it meant a more common vision and collaboration.
Too often in life, we, as couples, set upon our individual lives and find ourselves only bumping into each other occasionally at the dinner table, or parents’ night for our kids. We work separately, we divide the chores, the kid shuttle, and the grocery shopping and we pat ourselves on the back for getting it all done.
But where did we go?
This is a quandary that many couples I work with are facing. It is usually what brings one of them to me.
In the midst of getting it all done, seek collaboration. Look for and create purposeful opportunities to work and play together. We think “us time” is a weekend with the kids at grandma’s or a week of vacation. I know we’re all busy. If you think it changes when your kids are grown, think again. If you think someday you’ll have time for each other, you won’t.
Folks, it happens on purpose. In little tiny moments of connection, or in the case of these two beautiful people, it comes in creating multiple businesses together using the greatest tools and strengths, for both people’s benefit.
It’s beautiful.
Anyway your life flows, work it together. Make time to share, bring one another into your hopes, dreams, goals, and let each other help. It will allow you to both find success in the areas that are most meaningful. For some it’s work, for others it’s hobbies or personal well-being. It doesn’t matter the subject, what matters is that we invite our partners to be just that – partners.
Give yourself time and attention to see what your significant other has to bring to your table, and what you can bring to theirs.
Let the moment of your attention be the thing that “gets it all done”.
Forever the journey, Anne