Healing in the Matrix – A Time of Healing Our DNA

The message was crystal clear, “this is a time of healing in the matrix. Your DNA is being revised to allow your new vibration”.

Each month during our LampLighter group the Council (the Divine energies who govern and info our group) give us a combination of information, guidance, and homework. This past session included the need to heal our DNA to raise up and release the ties of ours that have been passed onto us through our parents and ancestors.

Fast forward to a dream interpretation I was doing with a client. She had an incredibly disturbing dream she honestly couldn’t make head nor tails from. I was working through it with her using a dream interpretation exercise I had learned years ago. As we went through the process her value of the dream made itself clear to her, and she was so relieved to know with clarity what Spirit was using her dream time to ask her to heal within herself.

But there was something else. “Some part of this has to do with your Mom,” I said to her. The nudge from Spirit was clear.

“Oh, that makes total sense, actually,” she said as she told me of a secret her Mom had shared with her before she passed away. It was a heavy story her Mom had carried on her own for decades, never telling anyone, until shortly before she died. As my client told me the story, she spoke of the burden her mother felt even as she passed, that was attached to this age-old secret from her childhood, and how even her own parents had abandoned her in her needs.

It was incredibly sad.

In those moments, it hit me. The list. I went back to the list from fhe dream interpretation we had done. There before me was a direct account of her mothers experience, laid out on paper, through her daughter’s dream. Cryptic, until you knew her secret, and from that vantage point, it was crystal clear. I stopped my client mid-sentence and read her the list…she burst into tears. After all of this time, her DNA, the parts of herself that were from her mother, was ready to let go of a secret that pained her mom until she died.

Pain no more.

The relief my client felt as the tears poured down her face was palpable, even through the phone. The pain her Mother had carried for decades now released into the vapors of Spirit and the sense of relief in those moments of healing was so incredibly powerful.

We all have stories that are echoes of the experiences of those before us. We know family patterns repeat often and we are indeed a symphony of our parents and their parents, and so on.

Be awake and aware of what is coming forward for you at this time. Be available to ask yourself “what part was my Dad, and what part was my Mom?”  This is not a play of the blame game, rather an opportunity to allow healing of things that are being asked to be passed back, so they are not passed on.  Spirit is asking us to be the healer and the healed so these old energetic cords are severed and dissipated for generations to come, and for those that have passed. When we heal, we heal in every direction. It is never just “us”, it is always “all of us”.

Be available to the deeper healing Spirit is asking you to be part of releasing. It is the time.

Forever the journey, Anne

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