Greetings and welcome to a NEW YEAR!
How the heck did we get here?!
As a kid I remember complaining about how long things, like summer vacation would last. Yes, really. I was a farm kid so summer for many of my friends was biking around town, going to the lake to swim, hanging out with friends all day, but for me it meant picking rocks, piling hay bales, extra chores, and not really seeing much of my friends. I think back to those days when I would wait for school to start so I could see my friends again, wishing the hours and days would go faster. As good adults, my parents would just shake their heads and say things like, “You just wait. Someday you’re going to realize how fast time goes.”… I seriously doubted it.
And here we are.
The days to months, to an entire year flew by in a flash.
As I have shared before, I always take a few moments to write a letter of good-bye (why did the word “surrender” almost come out of my mouth???) to the previous year. It gives me a chance to go back, to acknowledge, to celebrate, to grieve, to cry , to laugh, to review all the previous year brought to me as life experience.
With each year comes lots of “life,” and 2024 was no different. When I was a kid and something happened that I didn’t like my Mom would simply say, “It builds character.” Once again I am filled with the sense that I have enough character. Many who know me may agree that I am enough of a character.
So, this year, let’s roll through the themes of 2024, as delivered by Spirit, and see where we’ve all landed.
In the LampLighter group, Spirit started this year with the statement “When other people speak to you about your value, believe them.” This statement was not about how people talk about us but rather how people treat us. How we are treated tells us how others value us. If someone says, “I love you”, but constantly does behavior that does not speak love to you, then there is a problem and you need to SEE beyond what they are saying, and get to the truth. Lots of folks ended marriages, long term relationships, business deals, left jobs, etc in 2024 due to their ability to open their eyes and recognize what they were being told. With that said, I know many also who got married, engaged, found the loves of their lives, took career positions that really are their dream jobs, started new businesses, retired, etc.
What messages did you receive from those around you? Are there people you let drift away, or even kicked out? Did you open your arms and welcome someone or something new, or even someone/something you already knew, but saw in an entirely new light and embraced differently?
2024 was a year of clarity; good or bad, comfortable or not, we were going to know that we know what we know, without doubt by the end of this year. Technically this one runs until mid January. If there is a gray area anywhere, you’re going to be clear, or really uncomfortable, about what’s happening and your truth within it. Spirit assures us it will be undeniable. As the Guides have stated recently, “how big of a brick, how thick of a 2 by 4, do you want?” Rejecting the clarity that is being shown, will not be comfortable, and for many of you I know it hasn’t been. Me too. I’ve stepped into moments of “holy shit, you’re kidding” during this year that were not particularly pleasant, and at the same time, I’ve had experiences where the clarity has been an invitation to see myself in a new light.
What did you get clear on this year?
Mid year we walked into an entirely new age! We said an awkward good-bye to the defeated masculine and feminine that we had been conditioned to and are starting to find our way in the exalted forms of both. This new age energy asks us Spiritually, vibrationally, emotionally to all stand in a space of empowerment, to bring forward the best of our deep, intuitive, aligned feminine selves with the clarity of action, advocating of the greatest good for all, big picture of our Divine masculine. We are in this time bringing the best of both and all, forward. It is interesting, and lovely.
Ask yourself, how are you different within your viewpoints, opinions, advocacies, passions, desires for this world?
Take note, there is some direction for your 2025! The things that we gained clarity on will move into action in this year!
2025 will ask us to move forward in our knowing of our own divine truth. Our Spirit will point out with clarity when we are out of alignment and our deep intuitive senses will tell us what is the truth within us that is asking to come out.
As we travel this new year together, remember to stop and take inventory; where are you in alignment with your Spirit, your Soul’s loves, or notice where you are out of. Let’s keep our eyes and hearts open to the flow of energy directing us on our journey forward.
Cheers to a new year, and all the best to all of us in 2025!
Forever the journey, Anne