Content vs. Happy by Guest Writer Kristie Hennen

Content vs. Happy

Would you rather be happy or content?

I was asked this the other day. And to be honest, if I was asked this a couple months ago I likely would have had a different answer than what I have now.

Actually, I know I would have.

Heck, my saying in life used to be “choose happy.”

But, it’s not anymore.

In short, I choose to be content.

Actually, I strive for it.

Not the answer you were expecting, huh?

Well, let’s dive into it.

First off, let’s get into the nitty gritty of what the words actually mean. Happiness is an emotional state of joy. Whereas, the definition of contentment, is a state of happiness and satisfaction. It’s not only having your cup filled, but having it filled to where you are full and satisfied. You aren’t just feeling happiness; you become it. And in that becoming, it is more than enough.

Feelings come and go, so it’s why I feel the emotion behind it is subpar at best to strive for. It’s only temporary and in that temporary feeling you also often experience  dissatisfaction.

I think we have all experienced a time where we were happy but never fully satisfied. Right? There was always something lingering; maybe something was missing. Maybe we wanted more.

So, are you truly happy if you are not fully satisfied?

I feel that in today’s society, contentment is often viewed in a negative light. It’s often misconstrued with the thought of settling for good enough. When in reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Contentment is actually the epitome of happiness. It’s a state in which you don’t need to be, do, or seek more, in whatever capacity that looks like to you.

That despite the continued growth, learning, and change that occurs as you evolve, you already know that you are better enough, in the sense of securement within yourself, your life, and your choices.

Essentially, you are in a state of absolute peace with you are, where you are, etc., and it’s in that peace that you find happiness in its highest form.

It’s not something you merely feel.

It’s something you become.

And in the becoming, you are fully satisfied.

So, my dear friend,

do you want to feel happy?

Or would you like to become it?


Kristie is a travel nurse, adventurer, and truth seeker on all levels. She employs wisdom and perspective that is clear, value-driven, encouraging, and absolutely refreshing. You can find Kristie at any moment with her toes in a lake, her elbows on the family table, or gazing at the wonderous views from the top of a mountain. She is a bright light of our future.

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