Shamanic Services


As a Shamanic Practitioner I work to assist healing in those desiring it using the gifts of nature that have been bestowed upon us. Many of us do not realize the power of the animals and nature sources around us, nor the guidance and healing they can provide.

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We are all governed by the forces of nature. As a Shamanic Practitioner I work to assist healing in those desiring it using the gifts of nature that have been bestowed upon us. Many of us do not realize the power of the animals and nature sources around us, nor the guidance and healing they can provide.

There are many reasons to seek out the work of a Shamanic practitioner: a journey can express the universes guidance for us to utilize to our greatest good and align us with our power animals, psychopomp work can help to walk the soul of a loved one to the next plane of existence. Extraction will assist those in letting go of energies within them that no longer serve their greatest good and soul retrieval will help reintegrate aspects of our self that have been lost in time for various reasons and work to create greater harmony within the soul to assist us in manifesting our lives in accordance with our truest desires.

Shamanic work is a beautiful, gentle way to address the areas of our lives that are in need of assistance utilizing nature and all she brings forward.