INSpire 2025 Day Retreat


Saturday January 18th, 2025
9AM to 5PM
Backus, MN (The cabin)
Price: $169 ($145 for LampLighter members) includes meals and retreat content, no other costs involved.

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Saturday January 18th, 2025
9AM to 5PM
Backus, MN (The cabin)
Price: $169 ($145 for LampLighter members) includes meals and retreat content, no other costs involved.
Give yourself a day to give yourself the best year of your life.
In this year’s retreat we will focus on personal philosophy; what is guiding your life from the inside. Now more than ever, as Spirit asks us to be in Divine alignment and integrity with our Spiritual truth, we need to take the time to really KNOW what is driving us from the inside and how to bring consciousness to it, make choices about pivoting our autopilot to attract what we desire.
We will spend time in mindfulness and collaboration with other like minds and hearts. Come and be part of what is always an amazing group of people encouraging the best in themselves and others.