Letting Go of the Fight

Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Letting Go of the Fight
While working with a client yesterday, who has been struggling with some “old story” stories, the people they are linked to, etc., I entered into a conversation with a spirit guide.  He gave me the words to use during the healing process with this client and the message was something like this.
The fight only exists within us.  The negative words, the self defeating behaviors, surrounding ourselves with people and things that bring our vibration down, instead of raise it to higher levels, all of this we control inside.  We blame others for their behaviors, words, deeds, that were harmful, but this no longer exists, except inside us. The words and deeds of theirs began the fight, but WE continue to give power to the struggle.  By participating, we continue the fight.  We hold both sides of the rope in the tug of war, the good and the bad. Put down the rope.  The fight cannot exist without YOU.
So, for today, lay down your weapons, your judgments, your ridicule, the anger, the hurt.  Instead pick up the energy of LOVE and wear it like a cloak surrounding you.  Hold the image of something or someone you love, something that you only feel joy with, and hold that image, how does is it make you feel? Allow yourself to simply, but completely feel the love inside of you.  Practice holding those feelings, and, as you can, let them grow and fill the spaces around you.  If you get distracted, go back to the image that brings you Joy, and start again.  Hold these feelings for as long as you can.