Who Are You? by Guest Writer Kristie Hennen

Who are you? Has anyone ever asked you that before? I’ve been told a handful of times, “Wow, you really know yourself.” And to that, I say, yes and no. I would say that I know myself for who I used to be and for who I am right now in the present moment. See, it’s hard to say you

A Gentle Reminder of Who We Are

As always, we were wrapped in conversation that made room for amazing messages from Spirit. This particular client and I have a magical something, I believe it’s her that allows Spirit to open up with all sorts of incredible perspectives that blow MY mind. She shared a story about attending a family gathering on this particular occasion. Previously this would’ve

Laboring the New

“He he hoo, he he hoo“. She told me her life right now, was like laboring, “he he hoo, he he hoo“. An incredibly toxic relationship that should have ended years ago; while it did legally, the control of a narcissist has no bounds. So here was this beautiful example of a feminine, working her ass off to hold her


Wilding. Why is it that in nature spaces, deep within the woods, we have such acceptance without thought to the cacophony of plants that live together in unison?  Tonight, while I am walking through the woods, it occurs to me that nature accepts diversity and variety, and celebrates all of it. The plants beneath my feet have no sense of

A New Light Is Shining

She showed herself to me in a way that was nothing less than angelic. As she spoke, her arms opened, and her iridescent gown showed me the vastness of the cosmos that we are all an integral part of. No boundary, no fixed state, just pure potential in the eyes of Spirit. During this Lamplighter session, our guide talked about

Soul Mending by Guest Writer Christy Rounds

I used to think of my challenges as gifts, specially wrapped just for me to deliver the tools I need, to accomplish what I came to this lifetime to accomplish. Now, I realize that my challenges are even more important than that. They’re not just gifts designed to benefit me. Each challenge, even the ones that elicit anxiety, pain, fear,

Grieving Our Old Self

I am most certain that if you are a follower of mine, and you read my posts, then you too have been feeling the angst of the energy of this time. Astrologically, there is a tremendous amount that has shifted. As a part of the shift the confine that our ego mind had, and identifying the who of who we

Wildfire by Guest Writer Kristie Hennen

Kristie is a travel nurse, adventurer, and truth seeker on all levels. She employs wisdom and perspective that is clear, value-driven, encouraging, and absolutely refreshing. You can find Kristie at any moment with her toes in a lake, her elbows on the family table, or gazing at the wonderous views from the top of a mountain. She is a bright

I Am … And Perhaps Not Even That

I am…and anything else I believe is a lie.   My thoughts are simply concepts, fears, beliefs, values, biases, etc. of those whose words and actions have filled my ears throughout my life.   I’ve been having a particularly hard time dealing with my life lately. Business, commuting, money, relationships, family, grief, the list goes on and on and on.

I Did That by Guest Writer Kristie Hennen

Kristie is a travel nurse, adventurer, and truth seeker on all levels. She employs wisdom and perspective that is clear, value-driven, encouraging, and absolutely refreshing. You can find Kristie at any moment with her toes in a lake, her elbows on the family table, or gazing at the wonderous views from the top of a mountain. She is a bright